UltraDefrag是一款开源免费好用的磁盘碎片整理工具,提供图像界面和命令行版本,支持32位和64位系统。 UltraDefrag磁盘碎片整理程序是直接通过系统核心驱动层操作的,所以它的最大特点就是快,和Windows自带磁盘碎片整理程序的整理速度相比简直就是天壤之别
Version 8.0.0 2018-09-28
- automatic defragmentation was implemented
- all the disk processing algorithms were highly optimized for speed and efficiency
- deep action option was added to GUI, the appropriate --deep command line switch
was added to the console and boot time interfaces
- GUI was adjusted to consume less resources in paused state
- GUI startup time was greatly reduced
- installation was simplified, now the installer decides itself which set
of binaries is the most suitable for the target processor architecture
- portable edition now always includes binaries for all the supported
processor architectures and chooses automatically those which are
the most suitable for the target computer; just run the installer once
and select 'Extract portable edition' to prepare all the necessary files
- license was changed from GPL to a proprietary one