Bluefish标榜其自身是一款为熟练的Web设计员和程序员而设的 编辑器 ,但它的UI却很直观,任何初学者都能够很快上手,并在不断地积累中发现和掌握它的其它功能。如果你需要的是一款能够进行Web代码设计的文本编辑器,那么它一定会是一款很不错的软件。它给我
Bluefish 标榜其自身是“一款为熟练的Web设计员和程序员而设的编辑器,但它的UI却很直观,任何初学者都能够很快上手,并在不断地积累中发现和掌握它的其它功能。如果你需要的是一款能够进行Web代码设计的文本编辑器,那么它一定会是一款很不错的软件。它给我的总体印象就是专业却不令人生畏,文字和图标结合的都很好。
Bluefish 是一个为有经验的网页设计者准备的GTK HTML编辑器,Bluefish除了可以在LINUX下运行外,还可以在FREEBSD,NETBSD上运行,许多网站都已经完全采用它来制作网页,很多人认为它是LINUX下最好的HTML编辑器,它有非常优秀的创建向导(WIZARD FOR STARTUP),还有方便的表格、帧编辑器。
The syntax scanning engine is faster after small changes to the text.
The filebrowser is also much faster with less memory usage, with various fixes and new features.
Projects now store the active document and active line numbers. Indenting is improved in auto-completion and the smart indenting.
Bookmarks and paste special also have been improved.
Furthermore almost all syntax highlighting has been improved, most notable jquery in javascript, HTML5, and HTML5 in PHP files.
There are also many bug fixes, such as in wrap text on right margin, in the replace engine, the jsmin licence, the split lines feature, the auto-recovery and many obscure bugs. Last bluefish now has an appdata file.