Added the WizardImageAlphaFormat [Setup] section directive to the Setup Options > Apearance page as per changes for Inno Setup 5.5.7
If Inno Setup 5.5.7 or greater is loaded the new “force” option will be added to the Automatically close applications drop down list
The new notcontentindexed attrib has been added to the [Files] and [Dir] section property dialogs
The Code Signing Tool options in Setup Options > Compiler Settings > Code Signing has been changed to allow multiple Code Signing tools to be selected
The default for DisableWelcomePage will now change to True if Inno Setup 5.5.7 or greater has been loaded
The default for DisableDirPage will now change to Auto if Inno Setup 5.5.7 or greater has been loaded
The default for DisableProgramGroupPage will now change to Auto if Inno Setup 5.5.7 or greater has been loaded
The WizardImageBackColor [Setup] section on the Setup Options > Appearance page will now be disabled if Inno Setup 5.5.7 or greater has been loaded
Fixed controls on the Application Settings > Program Group incorrectly being set to disabled when “Disable program group page” has been set to auto or yes
Fixed an issue when importing Registry files exported from older versions of Regedit
Fixed an issue when a theme did not have a style associated, the sript wizard would not add the required [Files] and [Code] entries
Processed all included ISSkin cjstyle files to correct issues with the files format