
Camera FV-5汉化破解版 Camera FV-5 v5.2.7最新已付费中文版




Camera FV-5汉化破解版 Camera FV-5 v5.2.7最新已付费中文版 下载地址:
         Camera FV-5 极致相机,终极专业相机,最强安卓单反相机!专业级别拍照拍摄,功能强大,所有的拍摄参数都可以调整,支持类似单反取景器的显示效果!Camera FV-5 官方现已自带简体中文,它为您带来专业单反级的摄影体验,对于摄影爱好者和专业摄影师来说,这
Camera FV-5 极致相机,终极专业相机,最强安卓单反相机!专业级别拍照拍摄,功能强大,所有的拍摄参数都可以调整,支持类似单反取景器的显示效果!Camera FV-5 官方现已自带简体中文,它为您带来专业单反级的摄影体验,对于摄影爱好者和专业摄影师来说,这款相机应用程序都可以为您捕捉到最好的RAW影像,方便后期处理,获得令人惊叹的效果。现在唯一的限制只是您的想象力和创造力了!
Camera FV-5
Camera FV-5 优势就是提供了很多同类相机应用不具备的单反级拍照选项(具体能否使用取决于硬件是否支持)。例如调整白平衡、ISO(感光度)、曝光补偿、测光模式、闪光灯模式、构图网格等,充分榨干手机摄像头的价值。另外如果你手头有三星的 Galaxy Camera 的话,Camera FV-5 几乎就是必装的第三方相机应用,这是目前对 Galaxy Camera 支持最为友好的一款,已经能完美支持它的各项特性。


2020.10.24 Camera FV-5 v5.2.1
- Fixed: issues when rotating the device while in settings on some devices.
- Fixed many issues across the entire app.
2020.07.31 v5.1.9
- Welcome to a new Camera FV-5, a completely new version built from the ground up. Almost everything is new. Read the long list of changes (https://medium.com/@fgae/whats-new-in-camera-fv-5-version-5-fe27478dd748) if you are interested.、
2020.04.05 v5.1.4
- Welcome to a new Camera FV-5, a completely new version built from the ground up. Almost everything is new. Read the long list of changes (https://medium.com/@fgae/whats-new-in-camera-fv-5-version-5-fe27478dd748) if you are interested.
2017-08-10 Camera FV v3.31
- New: added support for manual shooting controls to th Motorola Moto G4, G5, G5 Plus, Z, Z Play and Z Force (ISO, manual exposure and manual focus).
- Improved: histogram drastic performance improvement.
- Improved: updated Polish, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian translations. Thanks a lot to all collaborators. You can help us with the ongoing translation efforts on http://www.camerafv5.com/localization.php

- Fixed many other smaller issues.
– Improved: support for ultra wide aspect ratio screens (Samsung Galaxy S8, LG G6).

– Improved: battery usage while the app is not in the foreground.
– Fixed many other smaller issues.


