MATLAB 可以控制诸如 Arduino 和 Raspberry Pi 这样的流行微控制器,采集网络摄像头中的图像,甚至可以收集智能手机内置传感器中的数据。浏览受支持的硬件:
Raspberry Pi
USB 网络摄像头
iPhone、iPad 和 Android 设备
ThingSpeak IoT
用 MATLAB,不管您正在处理的是商业数据还是工程数据,您都可以自己做数据科学。无论是部署在传统 IT 平台上应用程序还是在嵌入式平台上应用程序,您都可以随时随地运行分析。
MATLAB 使每个人都能进行深度学习,即使非专业人士也不例外。设计您自己的模型、访问最新模型或导入来自 Caffe 的预训练模型。使用 NVIDIA GPU 训练模型。自动生成嵌入式部署的 CUDA 代码。
R2018b (Version 9.5) - Sep 2018
Live Editor: Organize live scripts using additional subheading styles
Live Editor: Navigate within a live script using internal hyperlinks
Live Editor: Filter table output interactively, and then add the generated code to the live script
Live Editor: Create new and open existing live scripts faster
Comparison Tool: Merge two versions of a live script or function
Add-On Manager: Install and manage multiple versions of a custom toolbox
Language and Programming
string Arrays: Use string arrays in MATLAB, Simulink, and Stateflow
Enumerations: Improved performance of set operations with enumerations
boundaryshape Function: Create a polyshape object from a 2-D triangulation
polyshape Objects: Specify when to keep collinear points when creating a polyshape
RandStream Objects: Generate random numbers using Threefry and Philox algorithms
GraphPlot Object: Customize node and edge labels with font properties
Axes Interactions: Explore data with panning, zooming, data tips, and 3-D rotation enabled by default
Axes Toolbar: Access and customize a data exploration toolbar for each Axes object
Geographic Plots: Create line, scatter, and point density plots on interactive maps and control properties of a geographic axes
stackedplot Function: Plot variables of a table or timetable for comparison using a common x-axis
scatterhistogram Function: Visualize grouped data as a scatter plot with marginal histograms
sgtitle Function: Create a title for a grid of subplots
xline and yline Functions: Add vertical or horizontal lines to a plot
Data Import and Export
Import Tool: Generate improved code when importing from spreadsheets
Web-Based Data: Read from web-based data sources like Amazon Web Services and Azure Blob Storage using readtable, detectImportOptions, spreadsheetDatastore, imread, and imfinfo
write Function: Write tall arrays in a variety of formats to local or remote locations
stlread and stlwrite Functions: Read from and write to STL (Stereolithography) files for triangulations
TabularTextDatastore Object: Import data containing dates and times from non-English locales
Data Analysis
grouptransform Function: Transform table or timetable data by groups
groupsummary Function: Perform group summary computations on matrices
tall Arrays: Write custom algorithms to operate on tall arrays
tall Arrays: Operate on tall arrays with more functions, including conv2, wordcloud, and groupsummary
rmoutliers Function: Remove outliers in an array, table, or timetable
islocalmin and islocalmax Functions: Specify a range of data for prominence computation
Table and Timetable Metadata: Store custom metadata for each variable
timetable Data Type: Save memory when storing row times with regular time steps
App Building
App Designer: Add and configure date selection components on the App Designer canvas
uigridlayout Function: Configure app layouts using a grid layout manager
Scrolling Containers: Enable scrolling for figure, panel, tab, and button group containers
Figure Interactions: Create apps with custom mouse and keyboard interactions using figures created with the uifigure function
Tooltips: Create custom tooltips for UI components in apps
Deployed Web Apps: Access files in deployed web apps using the uigetfile and uiputfile functions
Startup: Increased speed of MATLAB startup
Execution Engine: Index into large arrays with improved performance when using the colon operator
Execution Engine: Faster calls to built-in functions
Live Editor: Create new and open existing live scripts faster
Enumerations: Improved set function performance with enumerations
Hardware Support
MATLAB Online: Communicate with Raspberry Pi hardware board from MATLAB Online
iOS and Android Sensors: Acquire sensor data when your device does not have network access
iOS and Android Sensors: Upload sensor logs from the device to MATLAB Drive
Advanced Software Development
Python Interface: Pass multidimensional numeric or logical arrays between MATLAB and Python
C++ MEX API: Call MATLAB asynchronously from within a MEX file using the C++ API
Unit Testing Framework: Run tests in parallel with more plugins and more intelligent scheduling
Performance Testing Framework: Measure execution time of fast code more accurately with the TestCase.keepMeasuring method