VRED Design 2025破解版具有交互式设计探索和演示功能,实时审阅和评估汽车设计理念,旨在为用户提供设计早期阶段进行正确决策所需要的实时审阅和评估汽车设计理念,探索创建真实的图像和动画,完整的展现出设计想法,并能够在虚拟现实中查看渲染,从而能够进行正确自信的做出决策和进行沟通交流,具有实时设计审查、交互式设计选择、材料变化、形状外观等多个方面的工具,从而能够轻松从头开始创建喷气引擎的4K射线轨迹渲染。 包括模型文件,从头到尾涵盖了所有内容。本次带来Autodesk VRED Design 2021 64位中文破解版下载,有需要的朋友不要错过了!
Autodesk Inc . has released VRED Products 2025.0 is an visualization software enables automotive designers and engineers to create product presentations, design reviews, and virtual prototypes with highly realistic materials, physical camera settings, engineering tools, and even surface analysis modes.
What's new in VRED 2025.0
VRED 2025 continues its work on providing a consistent user experience across the Agile Design Studio portfolio. True to form, this new release of VRED touches on many key areas within the software including:
- Ease of use and convenience across editors, and enhanced onboarding screen experience
- Major rendering improvements including visual quality, new materials introductions as well as support for volumes
- Support for the import and export of several new formats including USD