新的增强功能包括 Partquest Explorer 和 HyperLynx AMS 之间简化的电路设计和建模。还包括支持基于模型的工程的需求管理。
Install all the products you need, skipping licensing setup.
Stop any program that may be running, e.g. iCDB Server :((Run either Mentor or Saltd Keygen to update/generate your license.
You may save the LICENSE.TXT file generated and update your license with the Licensing Configurator in the event that if it was not done automatically.
Some of the KeyGens Options:* No options In this case, ONLY IF a Siemens product is installed, it will generate a LICENSE.TXT with ALL the required features on your%TEMP% folder and launch it in notepad, so you can save it to any place you want. At the same time, will try to update the current license file as defined in the registry, adding any missing features not found on it. You may also install this file as your license file, running the licensing setup.
* -patch [patchfolder]The KeyGen will verify and fix, if needed, all files on the Mentor install folder or in patchfolder, if given.
Included all executables and libraries in ELF, x86 and x64.
* -pkg path_to_package The KeyGen will use the given path_to_package\mgc.pkginfo to get more features.
* -dll path_to_dll The KeyGen will use the given path_to_dll to aditional patch.
This is usefull for a Linux instalation under win.
* Other options include adding a Serial Number, Notice, Issuer,cheksum, log file, etc. See the usage (-?) for more options.